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dispatching service中文是什么意思

用"dispatching service"造句"dispatching service"怎么读"dispatching service" in a sentence


  • 调度业务


  • Mainly used for patrol , site inspection , dispatch service , etc
  • Mainly used for patrol , site inspection , dispatch service , etc
  • Professional service team : we are a profession team with good education , rich dispatching service practice and management consulting experience
  • Because you re going to need some kind of listener dispatch service to process requests , distribute work , and collect it back , a web service is ideal to use
  • During the development process , the company has gained clients ' trust widely , based on his excellent professional ethics , the first - class commercial standing , high qualified products , perfect dispatching services and professional technical support
  • The software communicates with the dispatch server via a set of interface functions . the sequence charts of the commanding and dispatching services , such as call control , monitoring , short messages are given referring to tetra air interface protocol
  • Service dispatching : we provide dispatching services for enterprises in need , we will meet the needs of the enterprises for staffs by the personnel network of first , furthermore , we will be responsible for the insurance and related procedures of employment
  • By analysing the condition and process of application of gps system to the public traffic at home and abroad , the author , on the basis of his experience of setting up the first group gps dispatch service center in the
  • Aiming at the distributed transaction application environment , this thesis introduces leader / followers pattern and put it into use to implement an effective thread pool , which is able to dispatch service request events efficiently , and is especially suitable for event - driven services
    针对分布事务应用环境,本文借鉴leader followers模式实现了一类高效的线程池,适合于事件驱动的服务运行方式,能够高效地进行服务请求事件的分发处理。
  • In electric market , one of the basic functions of the grid is to provide the services credible and high quality service un - discriminatorily , and take in the charge of the services , for example , the charge of using the grid , the charge of the dispatching service and the charge of exchange service
用"dispatching service"造句  
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